Monday, May 14, 2012

Problem solving software, Multimedia encyclopadia and electronic books.

  • Problem solving software is sometimes associated with the cognitive learning theory because students are explicitly taught specific cognitive strategies to solve the problem instead of solving it for them. With comparison to the drill and practice exercise, it is much more sophisticated type of learning where the function of the computer is to present fairly complex problems in which students can learn or either improve their problem solving skills. Problem solving programs are designed to promote student's 'high thinking skills' such as logic, reasoning, pattern recognition and strategies rather than simply presenting problems that can be simply solved through simple memorization. It is a interactive program where the students are given opportunities to interact and move one step ahead of the initial stage(trial-and-error) to more logical and systematic thinking processes. Problem solving software and simulation are somewhat similar because both of these places the students in a situation where they are often needed to manipulate variables, but problem solving software is generally category for teaching problem solving strategies where as simulation attempts to model real-life situations.  
  • Multimedia encyclopaedia are typically stored database with full text, still images, animation, audio and video. Students can use the multimedia encyclopaedia to access any sort of desired information by searching from the vast contents in the encyclopaedia and even download relevant data for their works such as presentation and so on.
  •   Electronic books usually presents textual information for reading, but are supplemented with other types of multimedia information(sounds, spoken voices, pictures and animations). It can be used as tutor to learn,read, spell words and to practice other word skills. While reading the information on the electronic books, students may click on hyper link to jump to materials which has been cross-referenced in the text. 


  1. kinley what u hav wrote is relevant but i have a small doubt on the problem solving. that is you said that problem solving and simulation are same. and my doubt is like how it is same.

    1. the similarity is that both of these places the students in a situation where they are often needed to manipulate variables(factors) affecting the learning.

  2. it is very easy to go through your blog as you have written the topics in separate paragraph which gives us a first look idea of what it is going to be about.....keep up the good job

  3. First of all congratulation for your well deserved work and moreover the points that you have mentioned is pretty good. your explanation about the topic is good but it would be great if you could give some of the examples related to the topic. And moreover the roles played by the teachers and students.
    The overall write up is fair enough to understand.
    Thank You...

  4. i think it would have been far more better if you could mention the integration of this tools into lessons! others are all well done!!

  5. Kinley you have done a good job but I guess you haven't mentioned about the integration with lesson so I would like to provide you some of my own understanding as follow:

    Integration With Lesson

    -Teacher should allow sufficient time for students to explore and interact with the software.
    -Teacher may first demonstrate the steps to solve the problems, and then ask students to provide other methods to solve the same problem using this software.
    -Teacher may provide the students to solve the problem in pares or group and let them present their activity.

    hope you will do more research and do it.

  6. your information about the relevant topic is very well written and it is written in a simple way which gives us a very clear understanding about what you are talking about and what you want your readers to read about. keep it up.
